Before you place an order
Are all your secrets kept?
Everything will be kept confidential by us. We care about our clients and make sure that all payments are secure. No information about our clients will be shared with writers or other third parties.
Can I use custom writing services legally?
Absolutely. We will help you with your assignment and provide guidance. We do not encourage academic dishonesty. All papers that we provide are available for research and reference purposes only.
Can I pay the order after I receive the final file?
All our services are pre-paid. We will only start to work on your assignment once we have received your payment.
How do I get a discounted price?
After your first order, you will receive a 5% lifetime discount. After your 5th or 15th order, you will receive 10% and 15% discounts codes. To receive your discount code, please contact our support team via chat or email.
Are all papers plagiarism-free?
Yes, we use many checkers to ensure the originality of your paper. We do not sell any pre-written papers and your assignment will be completed personally for you by our writers. We do not tolerate plagiarism and guarantee that all papers are unique. You are welcome to add Plagiarism report to your order to have an official proof that your paper is plagiarism-free.
What paper formatting styles are there?
The most common formats are APA/MLA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian. If you require a specific formatting style for your paper, you can choose ‘Other” and indicate the format in the paper details.
How many pages will I need?
A double-spaced page should contain no more than 275 words. The writer will also use 12pt font with a 1-inch margin on each side.
Is it possible to send additional materials to the author?
Once you have placed your order, all the materials the writer needs to work on your order can be uploaded. You will find the “Add new file” button on the order page.
How do I get my paper?
We will send your paper in the correct format (.docx,.pptx) once it is complete.
How much time will it take for me to finish my assignment?
You can choose. You have the option to choose between 6 hours and 14 days. You will need to specify a deadline in order to limit the pages you can order. This is because we want to maintain the highest quality of your paper. All papers will arrive within the time frame you specify when placing an order. We guarantee that your paper will arrive within 10 days of receiving payment if you have chosen a 10-day deadline.
Who’s my writer?
We employ skilled, experienced writers from all parts of the globe. We care about the quality of our papers and most of our writers come from English-speaking countries. The ID of the writer who worked on your order will be displayed and you can choose the same writer to work on your next order.